Tampa Bay Rays stadium deal appears dead, city delays vote to fund Trop repairs

Tampa Bay Rays stadium deal appears dead, city delays vote to fund Trop repairs

A plan years in the making to build a modern $1.3 billion ballpark for the Tampa Bay Rays in the heart of downtown St. Pete may be completely dead.

On Thursday, St. Petersburg City Council voted to delay a vote that would approve two bonds totaling $287.5 million in tax-exempt funding for the new stadium, following suit with the Pinellas County Commission which voted to delay their bond funding for a second time earlier this week.

The county commissioners and city councilmembers were hesitant to grant the bond resolution due to the Rays’ lack of communication.

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Done Deals: Group acquires more property on Salt Creek, Trop damage tops $55 million, Pin on Cafe moves next week

Done Deals: Group acquires more property on Salt Creek, Trop damage tops $55 million, Pin on Cafe moves next week

Done Deals is a weekly column by St. Pete Rising spotlighting recent real estate market insight and significant deals happening in the Sunshine City and beyond. The following information is sourced from public records and trusted intel.

Have real estate news to share? Send us an email at hello@stpeterising.com.

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Tampa Bay Rays win approval of Pinellas County funding for new $1.37 billion stadium in downtown St. Pete 

Tampa Bay Rays win approval of Pinellas County funding for new $1.37 billion stadium in downtown St. Pete 

It's official - The Tampa Bay Rays have secured local government funding for a new $1.37 billion baseball stadium in a deal that will keep the team in St. Petersburg for decades to come.

In a 5-2 vote on Tuesday afternoon, Pinellas County Commissioners approved contributing $312.5 million of tourism tax revenue towards the construction of the stadium.

The tourism tax revenue is generated by a bed tax restricted to funding tourist-related development such as hotel expansions and other projects driving economic prosperity.  

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Amid concerns, $6.5 billion Rays stadium deal heads to final vote on Thursday

Amid concerns, $6.5 billion Rays stadium deal heads to final vote on Thursday

Flexible language around promises to bring affordable housing to the area and the lack of transparency on the Tampa Bay Rays partnership agreements are at the top of city council members' minds.

St. Petersburg City Council members met as the Committee of the Whole (COW) Tuesday morning to analyze the details and recent tweaks made to agreements for both the proposed Rays stadium and the Historic Gas Plant redevelopment just two days before they cast their final vote.

The $6.5 billion development, which is being spearheaded by The Rays and Hines, would transform 86 acres in the heart of downtown St. Pete into an 8-million-square-foot mixed-use district anchored by a new ballpark - becoming the largest project to ever commence in Tampa Bay. 

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Done Deals: Rays select construction firm for new ballpark, Stella’s expands in Gulfport, Mid-century home lists

Done Deals: Rays select construction firm for new ballpark, Stella’s expands in Gulfport, Mid-century home lists

Done Deals is a weekly column by St. Pete Rising spotlighting recent real estate market insight and significant deals happening in the Sunshine City and beyond. The following information is sourced from public records and trusted intel.

Have real estate news to share? Send us an email at hello@stpeterising.com.

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