St. Pete approves purchase of three-acre property along Salt Creek for new park

St. Pete approves purchase of three-acre property along Salt Creek for new park

Nearly three acres of vacant property along Salt Creek may become a lush park space with landscaping, public art, and educational components.

During a Committee of the Whole meeting held on January 23rd, committee members unanimously approved moving forward on pursuing the acquisition of a property located on 4th Street South between 17th Avenue South and 18th Avenue South.

The property comprises 1.7 acres zoned Corridor Commercial Traditional (CCT-1) fronting on 4th Street South and 1.26 acres zoned Neighborhood Suburban Multi-Family (NSM-1).

The city is seeking to purchase the property at or below the asking price of $2.9 million.

The property was appraised in July 2024 with an estimated market value of $2.88 million.

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Done Deals: Group acquires more property on Salt Creek, Trop damage tops $55 million, Pin on Cafe moves next week

Done Deals: Group acquires more property on Salt Creek, Trop damage tops $55 million, Pin on Cafe moves next week

Done Deals is a weekly column by St. Pete Rising spotlighting recent real estate market insight and significant deals happening in the Sunshine City and beyond. The following information is sourced from public records and trusted intel.

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